Saturday, April 11, 2009

news flash.

For all you Obama haters (which I mostly know of in the small conservative town of Rockwell) check this out:

Bush set 60 Billion dollars for eduaction, hence why they are paid less than most "professions" and why they are being laid off right now.

Obama plans to move the bar from 60 billion to 136 billion this year and 140+ billion thereafter. Think about the contributions of NASA, general technology, or my bias-philosophy. These professions are progressive because of the very fact that they solve problems and take initiative in answering questions about the world and its counterparts. Education is the key to progress, without it, we are only tools for capitalism, feudalism, etc., keeping us out of touch and removed from the essence of life and the joy of inquiry in experience.

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"live simply so that others may simply live..."


Go Obama...