Friday, December 19, 2008

Reflection on Reason

Just a quick entry on something that captured my attention. As a man who seeks knowledge, a philosopher if you will, I tend to ask many questions. And, with these questions I obviously arrive at all understanding by way of reason. So, given my emphasis on the importance of reason I now question if the world is reasonable. That is to say, just as one might ask "what if religion is wrong," I ask the same question of reason.

Now I do think reason is necessary in the civilized world (i.e "reality"), but I do believe that being is beyond that. "We" are something more profound, and that this profundity is covered and masked by what we are right now. Hence, the human condition. I am trapped by this body, but only trapped in the sense that my understanding of reality is confused, and must be examined thoroughly in order to recognize my entrapment. It's complicated. But, for those who follow Buddhism or Hinduism it is not so complicated. In theory yes, but practice-no. In my dealings with meditation, it is the closest one can get to a deeper kind of truth. Life is too complex to not try and slow things down and reflect on who you are. It's easy to say that you are weak and that there is something ultimate (GOD) that is there to help you. It is more difficult to state that you are your own God (until further notice) because you are then accountable for your actions in THIS lifetime, not the next. Morality makes better sense with the latter. Anyways, I digress. I blog worse than I contemplate, so forgive me. I'm a lil' rusty...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

I'm back

Its been a busy semester, but it's over. It's time to get back to my writing in lieu of my previous assigned school writing.

The role of a writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say. ~Anaïs Nin


"live simply so that others may simply live..."


Go Obama...